Back to School 2020

Students, parents and caregivers - be prepared

Posted: 10/08/2020 | Updated: 10/08/2020

PEI students will return to schools in September with special rules and protocols in place to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19. Make sure you and your school-aged children are informed and ready for a different kind of school year.

PEI authorities have rolled out a plan for a safe return to school this fall. The government is encouraging parents, caregivers and students to come forward and ask questions if they have concerns about the plan.

Schools are getting ready

Schools are getting ready by preparing classrooms and other spaces to enable physical distancing among students and staff wherever possible and to minimize the use of common areas as much as possible.

Schools will organize students into groups or 'cohorts' to reduce the number of prolonged close contacts a student will have during the course of the school day.

Schools will stagger the entry and exit of students from the building. Lunch and recess breaks will be scheduled to keep students in smaller groups and avoid congestion in common areas.

Group events and activities at school will follow the current guidelines for organized gatherings.

Extracurricular activities will be modified to follow Public Health guidelines.

Parents, students and staff will be asked to screen for any COVID-19 symptoms every morning. All staff, students and visitors will be asked to stay home if they are feeling unwell.

Students will be encouraged to wear non-medical masks inside school facilities when physical distancing cannot be maintained.

Caregivers of children with complex medical needs should consult with their family doctor or pediatrician prior to school starting to discuss the individual needs of their child and the impact of their return to school during the pandemic.

If a child is not able to return to school, there will be additional support in place for remote learning.

Get supplies

Along with the usual school supplies, make sure to have non-medical masks and hand sanitizer available to your child. Both can be purchased in pharmacies. Reusable cloth masks can be bought at some stores or ordered online, or you can make one on your own.

Get your child ready

Teach your child about why it is important to follow the rules. Practice physical distancing, hand washing and wearing protective face masks with them.

What if...

If your child is showing any of the COVID-19 symptoms, they should stay at home. If a child develops any of the symptoms while at school, they need to be picked up immediately.

There are guidelines in place in case a child or a family/household member tests positive for COVID-19.

Stay informed, ask questions

Circumstances can change at any time during this pandemic. Make sure to follow the news and listen to Public Health recommendations.

Ease your child into a new routine
Wearing Masks and PPE in Schools
Back to School FAQs
Share your questions and feedback for the 2020-2021 school year

More information

How to make your own protective mask
COVID-19: Information for Newcomers to Canada